Dissociation of Deuterated Heavy Water Clusters D+(D2O)3 and Identification of Charged and Neutral Products
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Heavy water is different from light water in several respects. The density of heavy water is 10.6 % greater than the light water and its physical properties are different. Several studies have been dedicated on the properties and the dynamics of heavy water molecules. This article shows the possibility of dissociation of Deuterated heavy water clusters in several competing channels and the ability to detect to neutral heavy water molecules using the technique of CID-COINTOF (Collision Induced Dissociation- COrrelated Ion and Neutral Time Of Flight) mass spectrometry. The present work is focused essentially on the dissociation of Deuterated heavy trimer water cluster D+(D2O)3. Through this famous new technique based on the event-by-event detection, the different dissociation channels and the correlation between the charged and neutral produced fragments are explored by studying the arrival time difference between the detected fragments. The charged D+(D2O)n=1.2 and neutral (D2O)n=1.2 fragments produced by dissociation of a single precursor ion, in a specific dissociation channel, are identified by analyzing their output signal amplitude distributions at the same MCP detector. A detailed analysis of the signal amplitude distributions as a function of the masses and the velocities of the detected particles is presented here. The study of the output signal amplitude distributions allows the identification of all charged and neutral fragments having specific size and velocity and that are coming from a specific dissociation process. This article shows also the ability to detect neutral heavy water molecules D2O and neutral heavy dimer water molecules (D2O)2.
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