The Study of the Structure of a Microemulsion by Small Angle Neutron Scattering: the Effect of Telechelic Polymer on the Bending Elasticity of the Surfactant Film

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Oil-in-water microemulsions of the charged system CPCl in presence of telechelic polymers (polyethylene oxide (PEO) grafted at one extremity with a C 12 H25 chain) have been studied by small angle neutron scattering (SANS). From these experiments, the elastic properties of the surfactant film can be derived. By adding of telechelic polymers on the droplets, we show that the mean radius Rm decreases whereas the bending elasticity k~ remains approximately constant.
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Microemulsion; Telechelic Polymers; Bending Elasticity; Small Angle Neutron Scattering

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