Effect of Laser Pulse Energy and Vacuum Pressure on the Cu Laser Induced Plasma Plume Length

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In this work; copper laser induced plasma plume length werecalculated by CCD camera photos calculations. TheCu laser induced plasma pictures were taken by using CCD camera.Cu plasma plume length was investigated by varying the laser induced plasma parameters in the experiment such as laser pulse energy and vacuum pressure.Pulsed Nd: YAGlaser 7ns pulse duration and 1Hz pulse repetition rate was used to ablate the Cutarget under vacuum in stainless steel vessel. The effects of the laser pulse energy and vacuum pressure on the Cu plasma plume length was studied by calculating the plasma plume length from the laser induced plasma picture taken by CCD camera. It is found that the plasma plume length depends strongly on the laser ablation conditions such as laser pulse energy and vacuum pressure, it is directly proportional to laser pulse energy and inversely proportional to the vacuum pressure
Copyright © 2014 Praise Worthy Prize - All rights reserved.


CCD Camera; Laser Induced Plasma; Plasma Plume Length; Pulsed Laser Ablation; Vacuum

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