Electronic Excitation Produced by Proton Moving Inside Liquid Water and DNA Using Drude and Penn Dielectric Functions

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The irradiation of biological systems by energetic ion beams has multiple applications in medical physics and space radiation health, such as hadrontherapy for cancer treatment or protection of astronauts against space radiation. Therefore, for a better control and understanding of the effects of radiation damage in living tissues, it is necessary to advance an accurate description of the energy loss of the ion beam to the target. In the present work the dielectric formalism Drude and Penn have been used to calculate the probability for an energetic proton to produce electronic excitations in two targets of high biological interest, namely, Liquid Water andDNA. Also, the effects of ionization fraction, q , of Partial Stopping Power Effective Charge (PSPEC) of Liquid Water andDNAhas been studied taking into consideration electronic excitation in the target. PSPEC is independent of Kind of target, while the stopping cross-section at q≤1 is strongly dependent on Kind of target.
Copyright © 2013 Praise Worthy Prize - All rights reserved.


Ionizing Radiation; Energy-Loss Function (ELF); Partial Stopping Power Effective Charge (PSPEC); Drude And Penn Dielectric Functions

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