Neutral Higgs-Boson Production in Association with a Pair of Muon-Sneutrino at e- e+ Linear Colliders

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The full virtual one loop radiative elctroweak corrected cross section, σ, to the e- e+→ν~μ ν~¯μ h0 channel is presented. The dependence of the (σ0 and σ) on the √s and the other parameters in the framework of Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) is discussed.
The numerical results in each of the SPS 1b and SPS 4 scenarios show clearly that σ are always more than the corresponding σ0. The Δσ/σ0 varies in the range of [−43%, 40%] as √s goes from 0.5 TeV to 2.5 TeV for SPS 1b scenario and in the range of [41%, 54%] as √s goes from 1 TeV to 2.5 TeV for SPS 4 one.

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Light Neutral Higgs Boson Particle; MSSM; Muon Sneutrino Particle

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