Microscopic Study of Anode and Cathode Corona in Argon

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Visual and photographic observations of the corona glow and current-voltage measurements at different pressures were used to get relations between discharge energy densities and intensities of glow spectra. Anode and cathode corona glow in argon gas at different pressure and potentials using needle to plate system of gap spacing 0.2cm was investigated by the aid of microscope with a camera. Photomicrographs taken show different shapes and colours of glow. The results obtain show the corona glow in argon gas have striations at certain values of the pressure and potential. This because inside corona volume different phenomena of ionization, excitations, diffusion, recombination and attachment occur. All these processes cause much energy variation which can be observed by the emission of light spectra which appear as corona glow. This study is very important in argon laser. We can measure the values of pressures and potential at which we get the most intense argon spectra.
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Anode and Cathode Corona; Corona Glow in Argon

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