X-Ray Mass Attenuation Coefficients of Some 3D Elements Compounds at Am-241(40mCi)

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X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) technique or Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) can be employed to calculate the mass attenuation coefficient (µm) for different elemental compounds. The emitted X-ray photons have different energies depending on incident photon energy, atomic weight and molecular structure of inspected material. The excitation Gamma ray source with 59.53 keV, Am-241(40mci) was used. The µm for (O,Cl) compounds of different element(Fe, Ni , Cu, Zn)been calculated by measuring the intensity difference for  kα and kβ in pure elements and their compounds. The calculated results showed that maximum value for µm was in Fe-Compounds, These results are in good agreement with the theoretical results calculated by XCOM software.
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Mass Attenuation Coefficient; Intensity; 3D Compounds; SDD

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