Editorial Board


  1. Prof. Jian Qi Shen, Centre for Optical and Electromagnetic Research, Zijingang Campus, Zhejiang University, China

Editorial Board members

  1. Vladimir M. AGRANOVICH, University Of Texas At Dallas – Nano Tech Institute, United States

  2. Anastasios ANASTASIADIS, National Observatory of Athens - Institute for Space Applications & Remote Sensing, Greece

  3. Jean-Pierre BADIALI, Université Pierre et Marie Curie – Directeur de recherche CNRS, France

  4. Marcia C. BARBOSA, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - Instituto de Fisica, Brazil

  5. Antonio ELIPE, University of Zaragoza - Dpt. of Applied Maths, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Systems, Spain

  6. Israel FELNER, The Hebrew University - Racah Institute of Physics, Israel

  7. Peter HANGGI, University of Augsburg - Institute of Physics, Germany

  8. Hans HERRMANN, Universidade Federal do Ceará - Departamento de Física, Brazil

  9. Joshua JORTNER, Tel Aviv University – School of Chemistry, Israel

  10. George KIRCZENOW, Department of Physics, Simon Fraser University, Canada

  11. Yuri KOZITSKY, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland

  12. Jürgen KURTHS, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany

  13. BO LEHNERT, Royal Institute of Technology- School of Electrical Engineering -Fusion Plasma Physics, Sweden

  14. Jukka MAALAMPI, University of Jyväskylä - Department of Physics, Finland

  15. Tito MENDONÇA, IPFN, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal

  16. Risto M. NIEMINEN, Helsinki University of Technology - Department of Engineering Physics, Finland

  17. Dorin POENARU, Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics & Nuclear Engineering - Department of Theoretical Physics, Romania

  18. Rajeev Kumar PURI, Panjab University, India

  19. Kestutis PYRAGAS, Semiconductor Physics Institute, Lithuania

  20. Antoni ROGALSKI, Military University of Technology - Institute of Applied Physics, Poland

  21. Gowind SWARUP, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research - National Centre for Radio Astrophysics -, India

  22. Hugo THIENPONT, Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Department of Applied Physics and Photonics, Belgium

  23. Sergey VLADIMIROV, University of Sydney - School of Physics, Australia

  24. Christian VON FERBER, Coventry University - Applied Mathematics Research Centre, United Kingdom

  25. Miki WADATI, University of Tokyo - Department of Physics, Japan

  26. Xin-Nian WANG, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - Nuclear Science Division, United States

  27. Magnus WILLANDER, Linköping University - Division of Physics and Electronics, Sweden

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