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On the Digital Simulation of the Random Process Following the Two-Dimensional Nakagami Distribution

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Random processes following the Nakagami probability distribution occur in the multipath radio communication channels and describe the received signal fluctuations (i.e. – fading) in various conditions and frequency ranges. In this paper, a digital algorithm and a device based on it are considered for simulating such processes with the specified two-dimensional probability density. Particularly, a procedure for building the Markov model of such processes and an algorithm for generating samples of a random or pseudorandom process following the specified two-dimensional Nakagami distribution are introduced. The opportunities for both the hardware and the software implementation of the algorithm are also considered. The statistical characteristics of the simulated random process are studied and the simulation accuracy is estimated. For the hardware implementation of the simulator, the field-programmable gate arrays are suggested.
Copyright © 2021 Praise Worthy Prize - All rights reserved.


Random Signal Simulator; Nakagami Random Process; Two-Dimensional Probability Distribution; Discrete Values; Markov Model; Matrix of Transition Probabilities; Estimate of Parameter; Statistical Simulation

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