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An efficient Multi-Agent Modelling Scheme of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) Towards Improved Performance Evaluation

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The simulation of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a large and diverse set of tasks which, ideally, are spread in (logical) time and (memory) space. Although in the literature many research attempts have introduced simulation platforms for Wireless Sensor Networks design, nearly all are focused in limited layers of abstraction not including the physical and communications layer. Moreover, scheduling of events is not considered carefully. In this paper, Coordination mechanisms invoked to execute these tasks in a timely accurate manner towards precision are shown and at machine level similar mechanisms are considered and invoked to manage multiple threads (in Central Processing Units (CPUs), Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) and combinations) towards improved performance. These mechanisms are illustrated in the proposed multiagent simulation system, which transform the concepts of a multi agent system (in this case Wireless Sensor Network motes), communication schemes and environment abstractions to a set of individual tasks as threads, executed in groups depending on the underlying machine. The contribution of this paper lies in the development of a suitable multiagent simulation system model for Wireless Sensor Networks, modelling all main real world abstractions taking place in such a system. Moreover, a study of the overhead management regarding this multithreading design is considered illustrating an affordable overhead even in case of very large systems simulation.
Copyright © 2020 Praise Worthy Prize - All rights reserved.


WSN; Simulation and Modelling of WSN; Multi-Agent Systems

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