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An Improved Crossover Genetic Algorithm with Distributed Generator (DG) Installation for DNR Restoration in Reducing Power Losses

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Most common problems with distribution network are having stable, flexible and reliable restoration system after experiencing fault occurrences to ensure the continuity of power supply. This paper proposes a new algorithm for distribution network reconfiguration (DNR) with the simultaneous operation of DG for fault restoration on 132/33 kV of the IEEE 69 buses system. The proposed algorithm is conducted in three (3) cases; maximum, moderate and minimum fault conditions on the tested system. There are four (4) DGs that were located at the test system with optimal sizing based on the maximum total connected load at the particular area. An immediate isolation of faulted areas and the best radial number of switches configuration for unfaulted areas during the restoration process with minimum power losses are effectively obtained using the proposed algorithm. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm was verified by comparing with the conventional Genetic Algorithm. From the analysis, the proposed algorithm gives best solutions for fitness function and minimum computational time compared to the Genetic algorithm.
Copyright © 2015 Praise Worthy Prize - All rights reserved.


Fault Occurrences; Distributed Generation (DG); Distribution Network Reconfiguration (DNR); Power Losses; Genetic Algorithm (GA)

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