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Numerical Modelling of Cylindrical Hole Under Equal Biaxial and Uniaxial Tension Loadings at the Infinity

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The determination of stresses and displacements is the vital preoccupation in the world of computing structural elements subjected to any loading. In this context, this work focuses on dealing with classical problem of elasticity which has a vested interest. The stress and displacements of a cylindrical cavity in an infinite elastic medium will be analyzed first on a theoretical level by highlighting the existing analytical solution. And then through the enormous development of computers and programming languages, this problem will be solved numerically where the results will be compared with the analytical solutions. Using the software FLAC2D, this work has a numerical analysis of two problems: the first one is to calculate the stresses and displacements around a cylindrical cavity subjected to a biaxial compression loading at the limits, this case is a verification problem in FLAC and a tool for validating the procedure for numeric simulation. The second one corresponds to the numerical analysis of the stress distribution and displacements around the cylindrical hole under uniaxial tension stress at the infinity. The results obtained by this model are in very good agreement with analytical results.
Copyright © 2014 Praise Worthy Prize - All rights reserved.


Numerical Analysis; Cylindrical Cavity; Biaxial Compression; Stress; Displacement; Elasticity; Uniaxial Traction

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