Voltage and Frequency Control of Wind Driven Stand-Alone Self-Excited Induction Generator Using DCMLC Based STATCOM

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This paper describe the methods employed to control voltage and frequency of a 3-Ø stand-alone self-excited induction generator (SEIG) driven by a variable speed wind turbine. An attempt made to control the terminal voltage of SEIG by using a 3-Ø diode clamped multilevel converter (DCMLC) based STATCOM operation. A 3-Ø diode bridge rectifier with a d.c chopper circuit is employed to control the frequency of generated voltage.
The VAr required by the load and the machine owing to changes in magnetizing reactance’s are compensated by DCMLC–STATCOM operate with full load excitation capacitance. To emphasis the controller characteristics, mathematical model of the controller is developed and implemented in MATLAB / SIMULINK software.

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Self-Excited Induction Generator; Voltage and Frequency Control; DCMLC-STATCOM

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