Banking Operations and Strategic Marketing Plans: a Causal Loop Based Model for Finance Sector

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The following paper is focused on the operating conditions for the implementation of tertiary sector marketing planning. This issue, related to the instruments and techniques from which it stems, constitutes the essential tool to compete in western markets of services. The suggested approach is oriented to design a technical model determined by conditions set selected. We used four groups of performance indicators, able to define the business strategic position of company. Afterwards using the system dynamics criteria we suggest a CLD graph which represents the interactions among the several factors that influence the company behavior related to its strategy evolution. The model is characterized for the financial market, so that the performance indicator are assessed for a bank. In the case of study we analyze a specific Bank operating in southern of Italy and we define the new marketing strategy starting from its current state and market objects through the proposed model.
Copyright © 2013 Praise Worthy Prize - All rights reserved.


Strategic Analysis; Intelligent Business; Causal Loop Diagram; Marketing Planning

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