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Uniaxial Tensile Testing for Ligaments

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Ligaments, also known as “collagenous tissues of parallel fibers”, are structures witha passive behavior, i.e. they do not produce motiondirectly. Ligaments connect bones together to form joints, creating functional units, and ensuring properties such as tensile strength. Moreover, the main functions of ligaments are: increasing the mechanical stability of joints, guiding and limiting the joint movements. In this paper the ligament of a pig was subjected to unidirectional tensile stress, and its behavior was studied. The purpose of this research is to present and discuss the results of the tensile test, for doing it a three-dimensional virtual model of the ligament was used; such model was generated by scanning a normalized sample of the pig’s ligament and consequently analyzed using a finite element method (FEM). As a result it was determined that the upper limit of elongation varies between 10% and 15%, and that the maximum stress is near to 35 MPa, when the cross-section area of the sample has been reduced.
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Ligament; Tensile; Modeling; Anisotropy and Viscoelasticity

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