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A Bipotential Method Coupling Contact, Friction and Adhesion

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The paper is related to the analysis and the modeling of structural interface behaviors when unilateral contact, friction and adhesion interact. Among the contact models in literature, the model developed by Raous, Cangémi, Cocou and Monerie (RCCM model) is retained. It consists to include strict unilateral contact to avoid interpenetration, initial adhesion progressively decreases when the load increases, and Coulomb’s friction which is progressively activated when adhesion decreases. Because of its implicit character, the Coulomb friction law with adhesion is non-associated, and the notion of superpotential with normality rule cannot be used anymore. In the present work, to overcome this non-associated character, a specific potential adapted to coupling unilateral contact, friction and adhesion  is build and named bipotential. A numerical model is proposed and improved to solve the boundaries values problem. The algorithm is implemented in the finite element code SYMEF which has been developed at the University of Bechar (Algeria). A comparative study is made between the bipotential model and the previously developed RCCM model. The numerical results show that, this approach is robust and efficient in terms of numerical stability, precision convergence and CPU time compared to the RCCM model.
Copyright © 2015 Praise Worthy Prize - All rights reserved.


Contact; Friction; Adhesion; Bipotential Method; Convex Analysis

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