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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Bureaucratic Structure in Healthcare Organizations

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This paper aims to examine the advantages and disadvantages of bureaucratic management in healthcare organizations, specifically how it affects healthcare practice. The paper identifies Max Weber's bureaucratic theory of management (1905), the structure of bureaucracy management, its limitation, and its constraints on today's management practices. The paper reflects on the fact that most organizations both in public and private sectors have been ineffective in management because the bureaucratic systems under which they operate are not flexible despite being confronted with a very dynamic working environment. Change in management practice can create long-lasting advantages and high performance and allows the organization to respond to internal and external opportunities, and use its creativity to include new ideas, processes, or products. It is recommended that organizations should have a well-shared vision and mission rather than being organized through hierarchy and fixed policy and procedures. By minimizing bureaucracy, healthcare employers will be able to provide a conducive environment for innovation within their organizations. Through management innovation, an organization can perform more effectively and efficiently, which provides it with a competitive advantage.
Copyright © 2020 The Authors - Published by Praise Worthy Prize under the CC BY-NC-ND license.


Bureaucracy; Advantages; Disadvantages; Healthcare; Bureaucratic Management

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