The Survey of Attitudes Toward Work by the Unemployed in Lithuania

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The article provides an analysis of attitudes toward work among unemployed persons in Lithuania. Whilst the Lithuanian economy returned to the pre-crisis level, the unemployment rate has remained almost unchanged, demonstrating a significant rise in the long-term unemployment rate over the past few years. In order to identify the reasons of unemployment, the survey was conducted to explore the motivation of unemployed people to work and the characteristics of employment services in Lithuania. The survey has revealed that salary offers by employers are discouraging, whereas job search is not the only reason for registration with local labour exchange offices. Among other reasons for this is the possibility not to pay compulsory health insurance contributions or to receive social benefits. The survey also addressed some of the weaknesses of local labour exchanges and provided proposals for eliminating them.
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Unemployed People; Activation of the Unemployed; Motivation to Work; Unemployment; Employment

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