The Algerian Entrepreneur Between Value and Growth, a Local Exploratory Study

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Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) represent an essential component of any economy. Generally, they are considered as an essential source of economic growth, employment, dynamism and flexibility in both developed and developing countries. Furthermore, in 2012, Algeria counts more than 700 000 SMEs which generate 52% of the total production of the non-oil private sector. Despite the development experienced by the latter, Algerian SMEs still face several challenges including growth challenges. Hence, they do not grow at the desired pace, the one which can allow them to enhance their competitiveness. In fact, we found in the related literature review several approaches to explain and deal with the growth of the SMEs. Some approaches are related to the owner-manager; some of them focus on organizational development and others are market-oriented. Moreover, several studies on the Algerian SMEs have shown the influence of the owner-manager and his family on the decisions related to the company and its growth. The aim of our paper is to measure the impact of owner-manger’s values (personal, entrepreneurial, sociological…) on the firm’s objectives including those related to growth issues. The results of our study allow us to identify the most significant manager’s values which have incidence on the growth decision by using a multiple correspondence analysis (MCA).
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SMEs; Growth; Values

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