An Experimental Observation-Based Ontology Evolution Framework
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The notion of cognition and reasoning is the core of cognitive sciences and artificial intelligence. Some sciences such as philosophy, logic, psychology, neuroscience and so forth are looking for exact explanation of how to do these processes in human's mind. What is certain or at least shown by natural evidences represents that “cognition” in nature has always brought up some kind of “learning” and “evolution” concepts. According to the natural evidences, most of organisms, at the beginning of their life, have a few cognitions about themselves and the world. However, they reach to a kind of cognitive evolution over the time. This notion is crucial because there is no complete cognition model of the world available at the beginning of life and there is no straightway to reach it immediately. It must be achieved over the time. This article is suggesting a framework which has focused on cognitive evolution notion for artificial intelligent agents/systems rather than organisms.
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