A Case Study of Electrification of Information System in Vocational High School

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According to the Internet and the development of information technology, recently, vocational high school establishes the relevant department of information, and put a large number of manpower and resources to improve the students’ study effects. Thus, the improvement of manpower quality and source of plentiful human resources is a key point and non-ignorant issue as to developing business, country and society. In this study, discusses the performance of electronization in vocational school. It is focus on the operation specialty of vocational school and its inner and outer environment to implement a case study. In order to find out the effects of electronization in vocational school, the author using the way of expert's interview and combined “the efficiency of information system assessment” to measure the efficiency and appraisal of information system function. The result of study reveals, affect electronization in the vocational school related with some key point factors, shown as “the operation of school”, “information system”, “efficiency evaluation”, “file management”, “software and hardware facilities”, “external condition”, “human resources” and “information management”.
Copyright © 2013 Praise Worthy Prize - All rights reserved.


Information System; Electronization; Vocational School; Network Effect Diagram

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