G.I.S. Contribution for Study the Risks Zones in Urban Area. The “Oran-Risk”

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The civil engineering structures study consists in dealing with any abnormal phenomenon (seism, landslide, flood,etc.) could to appear in the urban area to control the urban extension in the exposed zones by reconciling the prevention requirements and the social and economic development needs. The geological characteristics, the geographical situation and the socio-economic importance of Oran City, form a great and complex system where  the risk  catastrophes is great. This study proposes to determine these risks zones by using the Geographical Information System (G.I.S.). This system is developed to produce thematical maps corresponding to the different hazards types in the urban area. The latter recombined with the structural vulnerabilities (buildings and structures vulnerability) will make it possible to produce maps of risk. A G.I.S named Oran-Risk was developped. This tool can prove to be a basic element in the evolution of the integrated territory management of the dangers compared and aid the decision to make the construction rules and the site urbanisable choice.
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Methodology; Risks zones; G.I S.; Risks; Vulnerability; Making Decision Aid

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