Dependency Analysis of Risks in Information Security

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This paper presents an abstract concept of security planning processes using a simple model to express conditional risk factors. This analytical work emphasizes relationships through major security planning phases. The work discusses the chain of logical events that describe dependence in risk propagation and proves the theorem of the causal risk propagation through the subsequent planning phases. This unique work can provide a useful guidance for efficient security planning and risk management applicable to various engineering fields. Because of its generic feature, it can also be applied to multi-disciplinary dependency analyses, quality control, and to development of risk assessment tools and techniques. This risk analysis method can also provide a theoretical basis in education of information security. Theoretical risk assessment in information security is not thoroughly undertaken. Security researches should provide approaches that are theoretically sound as well as practical and realistic
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Foundations of Computer Security; Information Security Education; Quantitative Risk Assessment; Probabilistic Risk Propagation

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