Spectrum Response of Earthen Buildings

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The seismic demand of a building is determined using a response spectrum which has the maximum response of a system of single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) based on its frequency. The Moroccan seismic regulations RPS2000 offers a spectrum of elastic acceleration for average stiff soil by considering a damping of 5% corresponding to structures made with materials considered by current standards (concrete, steel ...), but raw earth buildings are not part of this category of constructions and so we do not have tools to assess seismic demand and hence the seismic vulnerability of traditional structures. Our objective through this study is to develop a specific response spectrum Earthen raw deduced from RPS2008, established in order to assess their seismic vulnerability. This purpose we adopt two approaches, one experimental with graphical solution and the other theoretical with analytical verification. This approach allowed us to calculate an approximate value of reduced damping for adobe buildings and plot response spectra related.
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Response Spectrum; Damping; Amplification; Stiffness; Frequency

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