Development of Effective Thermal Conductivity Measurement in Geomaterials by Surface Transient Hot-Wire Method

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The technique of thermal conductivity measurement in gas, fluids and solids are particularly advanced since the 1970 years thanks to multi-captors and finite element developments. In spite of these recent developments, a simplified “one hot-wire” method of thermal conductivity measurement is validated for non destructive investigations on geo-material surfaces. Firstly, the “one hot-wire” method was tested and validated using an embedded hot-wire in water, toluene, glass bead assemblages, and some geo-materials. Secondly, the method was transposed to a surface hot-wire technique adapted for geo-materials. The non-invasive technique   is developed thanks to a “sandwich insulator foam-material” cel. This Surface Transient Hot Wire (S-THW) method is firstly modelized by Comsol® software in order to estimate the role of thermal contacts. The thermal conductivities measured by S-THW method are compared with thermal conductivities measured via the embedded hot-wire method (1) in glass bead assemblages, in a compact earth brick and in a pure lime brick, and (2) with quartz and calcite thermal conductivities
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Effective Thermal Conductivity; Geomaterials; Non Invasive Method; Numerical Simulation; Transient Hot Wire

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