Flameless Combustion and the Effect of Air Preheat on the Combustion Performance: a Review
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Flameless combustion is of agreat interest since it simultaneously provides higher thermal efficiency together with controlling the pollutant emission such as NOX. This technology has been used to provide large energy savings in power system and industrial heating applications. In this technology, the preheat temperature of the combustion air must be higher than the auto-ignition temperature of the reactant mixture.. In this study, papers showing the effect of preheated air combustion to reduce pollutant emissions such as NOX emission, combustion stability and reducing energy consumption for flameless combustion were reviewed. Summaries on the influences of the preheated air combustion in the flameless combustion were presented, discussed and analyzed. These summaries showed that a highly preheated combustion air gives much lower pollutant emissions compared with normal combustion air
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