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Analysis of a Thunderstorm Activity According to WWLLN: a Case Study

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The analysis of thunderstorm activity is carried out in Timiryazevskiy forestry of Tomsk region. The authors used data from the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN) in 2010-2015. The five WWLLN stations nearest to Tomsk (until 2015) were Bryansk (≈3200 km), Yakutsk (≈2600 km), Beijing (≈2900 km), Lanzhou (≈2700 km) and Vladivostok (≈3600 km). The network registered data throughout the year. Data on spherics recorded by WWLLN contain the following indicators: date, time, latitude, longitude, error and number of stations in which the electromagnetic pulse was recorded. The year of the maximum number of lightning discharges according to WWLLN is 2015 in Timiryazevskiy forestry. The smallest number of lightning discharges was observed in 2010, 2012 and 2013. During one day, the peak of lightning discharges is observed at noon time, at 14-15 hours, and at night, 22-1 hours, according to the local solar time. The minimum number of spherics is observed in the early morning, at 5-6 hours. The highest density of lightning discharges is characteristic for the central parts of Timiryazevskiy forestry. As a conclusion, it should be noted that lightning activity was complex over the territory of Timiryazevskiy forestry in the period from 2010 to 2015. Days were found when more than 300 discharges per day were recorded with a maximum both in the afternoon and at night. In addition, the maximum number of lightning discharges in certain years can be observed not only in July, but also in June and August.
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Lightning Discharge; WWLLN; Tomsk Region; Spatial-Temporal Distribution; Timiryazevskiy Forestry

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