A Control Scheme for Price-Responsive Generations and Loads in support of Frequency Control within a Decentralized Environment

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it is suggested using electricity price as a control signal for the price-responsive participants. When controlling the participants with price, it is still the main objective to keep the system frequency to the nominal value. Although a control scheme for the price-responsive participants cannot replace entirely the role of the current frequency management scheme, it should at least assist the frequency control function by reducing the frequency deviation. In order to reduce the frequency deviation, it is proposed to apply a PID tuning rule to designing a control scheme for the price-responsive participants. For the tuning, a method for the necessary simplification of the power market dynamics is described. Then, the specific tuned design is presented. The performance of the proposed design is verified through the simulation using the IEEE 39 bus network
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Power System Operation, Market Dynamics, Load Frequency Control, Decentralized System, Electricity Price, Controller Tuning

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