A Cuk Converter to Improve the Ride-Through Capability of Low Power Adjustable Speed Drives for Voltage Sag and Swell
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15866/iree.v8i4.2077
Adjustable speed drives are the sophisticated and sensitive power electronics equipment preferred for modern processesenabling commercial and industrial facilities to dramatically reduce energy use, operating and maintenance costs, while improving operations. Voltage sags and swells which are most common in power systems can interrupt the ASD’s operation which leadsto the financial losses because of the process interruption. This paper proposes Cuk converter to improve the performance of induction motor drive during sag and swell conditions. In this paper, for various types of sag and swell, the performance of induction motor drive is verified using MATLAB simulink. Simulation outcomes are presented for the proof of the proposed method.
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