International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE)

ISSN: 1827-6660 
eISSN: 2533-2244
CD-Rom: 1827-6679


 Supports Open Access



Prof. Santolo Meo
Department of Electrical Engineering
and Information Technology (DIETI)
FEDERICO II University
21 Claudio - I80125 Naples, Italy

Editorial Board

2023 Journal Metrics

International Review
of Electrical Engineering
 is in

Q2 in the Scopus subject categories:

  • Applied Mathematics
  • Automotive Engineering
  • General Energy
  • Electrical and Electronic
Q3 in the Scopus subject categories:
  • Energy (miscellaneous)
  • Instrumentation

Scopus coverage years:
from 2008 to Present


Submit your paper


Journal Aims

The International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original theoretical and applied papers on all aspects of electrical engineering. The topics to be covered include, but are not limited to:

instrumentations and measurements, power devices, energy conversion, mathematical modelling, electrical machines, power electronics and its applications (power electronics applications for home, aerospace, automotive, lighting systems and so on), signal processing, diagnostics, reliability, dependability safety and electromagnetic compatibility, power generation, transmission, and distribution, power system planning and control, network harmonics, power quality, optimization techniques, fault location and analysis, distributed generation, co-generation, renewable energy sources, energy management systems, applications of expert systems, electric and hybrid vehicles, vehicular technology, magnetic fields, theory and modelling of magnetic materials, nanotechnology, plasma engineering, quantum brownian motors, sensors and actuators, electrical circuits, teaching and continuous education, related topics.

IREE also publishes letters to the Editor and research notes which discuss new research, or research in progress in any of the above thematic areas.

The International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE) currently has an acceptance rate of 22%. The average time between submission and final decision is 45 days and the average time between acceptance and publication is 25 days.



published bimonthly, appearing on the last day of February, April, June, August, October, December.


Abstracting and Indexing Information

IREE is covered by the following abstracting/indexing services:  


Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA/CIG)
Academic Search Complete (EBSCO Information Services)
Elsevier Bibliographic Database - SCOPUS
Google Scholar 

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