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Low Complexity Image Authentication Based on Singular Value Decomposition and Mixed Scales Faber Schauder Wavelet

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The technology development has made the modification of digital content easier. The need of authenticating digital content is increasing. Different fragile watermarking methods have been proposed for image authentication. Image authentication is possible by embedding a mark into the digital image using watermarking. In some application low complexity algorithm is required, such as real-time and video processing applications. In this paper, we propose a low complexity image fragile watermarking based on Faber Schauder Discrete Wavelet Transform (FSDWT) and Singular Value Decomposition where the data to be embedded is a logo. The Watermark was generated by applying Xor operation between the logo’s bits and the bits of dominant blocks singular values of the image to authenticate. These dominant blocks are obtained by applying FSDWT to the image to be authenticated. Since the image is characterized by its contours and it’s around textures which contain an important concentration of dominant blocks, any image modification will result in significant change of the dominant blocks singular values, which helps the watermarking scheme to detect the authenticity of the image. Since FSDWT is composed of simple operations, the algorithm has a low complexity. Experimental results and analysis demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Copyright © 2015 Praise Worthy Prize - All rights reserved.


Image Authentication; Fragile Watermarking; Tamper Detection; Mixed Scales FSDWT; Singular Value Decomposition

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