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A CPU-Guided Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) of Off-Chip Buses in Homogenous Multicore Processors

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This paper proposes a dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) technique for off-chip buses in multicore processors with identical processing cores. The proposed technique captures application’s sensitivity to off-chip access latency and dynamically tunes power parameters of the off-chip bus accordingly. Full system simulation has been used to evaluate the proposed idea in two main types of multicore architectures; Type 1 consists of complex superscalar processor cores while Type 2 consists of simple scalar processors. Simulation results have shown that the proposed DVFS scheme has achieved better results in Type 1; it reduces total off-chip bus energy, improves off-chip bandwidth energy efficiency and has negligible effect on processor performance.
Copyright © 2015 Praise Worthy Prize - All rights reserved.


DVFS; Multicore; Off-chip Bus; Power; Performance

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