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Agents and Events: the Objective of Action, Finite Event Duration, and Fuzzy Logic

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In a traditional discrete event and queuing simulation the user defines the system resources and the possible events that the model entities (clients, moving items) will execute. In the proposed approach the entities are replaced with agents which actions are not pre-defined and rather result from the agent objectives. The resulting events are also equipped with sub-objectives to reach. The goal of this paper is to propose an event simulation paradigm, different from the traditional crisp discrete event simulation. This is a methodological and conceptual approach, rather than a practical implementation. The proposed approach is to equip the events interactions with finit duration and fuzzy logic. It is pointed out that the problem of handling of simultaneous events does not exist in such models. It is also shown that the classic crisp discrete event model is not necessarily the limit case of any sequence of semi-discrete models with event duration interval approaching zero.
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Simulation; Agent-Oriented; Modeling; Discrete Events; DEVS; Fuzzy Logic

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