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A New Fault-Tolerant Interconnection Network

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An interconnection network plays vital role for faster communication in parallel processing environment. The performance of interconnection network highly depends upon fault tolerance capability .The fault tolerance can be achieved by providing multiplicity of paths between any pair of source and destination nodes and an efficient fault tolerant routing technique. In our designing approach of a new interconnection network, these two primary objectives can be achieved. We modified the structure of fully chained combining switch multistage interconnection network so that the new modified network can tolerate multiple links or switches faults dynamically. The cost of our network is less in comparison to the existing networks.
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Multi-Stage Interconnection Network; Combining Switches Multi-Stage Interconnection Network; Fault-Tolerant Fully-Chained Combining Switches Multi-Stage Interconnection Network; Fault Tolerant Routing Algorithm; Disjoint Paths

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