UML-CoMMix Profile for the Mixed Systems Design
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Research in the domain of design and development of mixed systems has taken, in recent decades, the interest of many researchers. Several solutions have been proposed in this context, in the form of approaches and formalisms, and reached a level of maturity rather important. However these solutions remain too slow in terms of simulation, and therefore do not allow to explore, within a reasonable time, the huge design spaces inherent in current systems. That is why a new generation of formalism was developed, these are "languages of system-level design ", as the case of the UML-Marte standard, UML-SystemC profile, UML-SOC profile, Gaspard2 profile, etc. Although most these languages allow to reduce the complexity and the time of design. However, they have certain disadvantages that hinder their widespread use as in the initial choice of architecture implementation, the use of informal or non-specific semantics, the use of non-unified models for hardware / software design, etcIn this paper we present a new profile for the mixed systems design at the system level, appointed UML-CoMMix Profile. This language is an extension of the SysML language, on one hand because SysML proposes a set of standard diagrams supported by most of the existing tools, on the other hand, because its extensibility makes possible the modeling of the specific concepts for the mixed systems. Another feature of this language is the completeness of its solution specified on four development views: a structural view representing the various components of a system, a behavioral view representing the functional aspect of each components, a dynamic view representing the flow control and data in a mixed system, and a mapping view representing the allocation of tasks on resources according to several criteria.
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