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Risk Assessment in ERP Projects Life Cycle: the Application of FMEA Approach

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Like any project, the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) presents multitude risks that have to be taken for granted in our project so that we can identify and avoid them before suffering .As the proverb said "prevention is better than cure". However, the risk management within ERP projects has been widely recognized as a very complicated task both by academics and practitioners. Unfortunately, these failure factors have been generally underestimated by decision makers and project managers.This article aims at proposing a new model of ERP projects life cycle on the one hand, and applying the FMEA method for classifying risks by their criticality on the other, through a case study inside a large enterprise that has been experienced in implementing such systems.
Copyright © 2014 Praise Worthy Prize - All rights reserved.


ERP; Risks Management; Risks Assessment; Project Life Cycle; Criticality; FMEA

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