Highly Robust Digital Image Watermarking Using Steerable Pyramid and Dual Encryption Technique

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A highly robust digital Image watermarking using steerable pyramid transform and dual encryption technique is proposed and simulated. In this paper, steerable pyramid transform is chosen as a suitably transform domain due to its impressive properties for image processing applications. These properties are rotation invariance and translation invariance which are very desirable in applications that involve representation of position or orientation of image structure like digital watermarking. The embedding process performs steerable pyramid transform on the host image using three scales and one orientation. A pretreatment is used to encrypt the binary watermark of size 32x32 using a dual encryption function. After the pretreatment process the encrypted watermark is embedded into low-subband steerable pyramid. Experimental evaluation demonstrates that the proposed scheme is highly robust against several attacks such as Salt \& pepper, Speckle noise, Gaussian noise, Average filter, Median filter, Weiner filter, Sharpening, JPEG compression, Resizing, Rotation, and Cropping
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Digital Watermarking; Copyright Protection; Steerable Pyramid Transform; Arnold Transform

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