Services and Agents Based Mediation System Architecture (SAMED Architecture)
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Nowadays, e-commerce knows a more extensive use by the internet users. Facing the growing number of companies adopting e-commerce and the large number of customers who often lack experience in research products and services, search engines lose their effectiveness and performance. In this context, centralized systems called mediation systems have been proposed to integrate data sources from a few suppliers and help users quickly find their needs. These systems are complex, closed, too centralized and do not assist users in their research. The combined use of web services technologies and intelligent agents can help to overcome these problems. In this paper we propose a Service and Agent based mediation system architecture (SAMED) that use the agents and web services technologies to facilitate mediation at the web and especially in e-Commerce domain. It uses a standard abstract service model that shows how to interact with the provider’s services concretes implementations. Then, the invocation of a service can only be achieved through an agent that will encapsulate a service to make it dynamic and autonomous. This type of agent will be considered as a standalone service
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