Cluster Based AODV Protocol to Minimizing the Route Rediscovery Process and to Improve the Lifetime of Network in MANET
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Mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) also as called auto configure network, in which mobile devices are connected as a wireless node. Due to changes in topology and mobility in MANET, it is suitable to use in environment that need of on fly set-up. The design of energy efficient cluster based on-demand routing protocol and to increasing the life time of node it is a very difficult task in mobile ad hoc networks. Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol (AODV) for MANET were employed on the route discovery process to establish routes between two mobile nodes. One of the most important issue is the link break occurred by the nodes due to mobility in ad hoc routing protocol. In a network when nodes establishing the connection between the nodes, they utilize more energy in route discovery process, then the node will be out of energy. In this paper, we proposed a new idea to Minimizing the Route Rediscovery Process based on cluster Techniques (CBMRRP) by scheming the source node RREQ packet to select the more stable route i.e. cluster head selection. The proposed protocol has two schemes, first one is the selection of cluster heads based on Received Signal Strength(RSS) to minimizing the route rediscover process and the route optimization of flooding process , based on Time-to-Live (TTL) value ,and the second one is by reducing route rediscovery process solution to accomplish the link failure. The analytical experiment was done by both probability and correlation techniques and simulation was done on ns-2.34 platform and compared with the original AODV. By verifying the result, the effectiveness and network performance of Quality of Service (QoS) are improved
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Tutorial of 802.11 Implementation in NS2“”.
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