An Access Control Model of Web Services Based on Multifactor Trust Management
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Web services are services that are made available from a business web server for web users or other web connected programs. Service requester accesses the web service from concern providers to avail the service in different manner such as peer to peer management and centralized server etc., when the service requester accesses the web service, service providers may follow different access control policies to restrict the malicious users or behavior. This paper propose a dynamic access control model to manage the trust value of service requesters based on multifactor such as network conditions, frequency of access, timeout, success rate, failure rate etc. Based on the trust value the honest and active users will be allowed to avail the service otherwise their trust value will be decreased and not be allowed to access the service. This kind of method would control malicious requesters to access the web services and encourage the requesters to take part in the access process honestly. This paper also verifies the performance and correctness of the proposed work based on simulation results from a prototype implementation.
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