Secure Medical Image Retrieval Using Dynamic Binary Encoded Watermark

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Technical advancement has increased the availability of medical images, which made the retrieval process for a query hectic.  Therefore, an efficient and secure retrieval technique is required along. To address this requirement, this paper has proposed a new technique named Secure and Efficient Image Retrieval (SEIR) technique. Here, to avoid the copyright violation as well as unauthorized user access SEIR uses the watermarking technique to provide authentication to the medical images.  Watermarking technique is carried out by embedding the watermark into the query image using the Dynamic Binary Encoding (DBE) technique.  Thereby, the proposed technique allows only the authenticated people to access the images presented in a database. In order to make the retrieval process efficient, SEIR uses the kNN classifier, which classifies the images in the database depending on the feature characteristic. This classification process consumes less time to retrieve the pertinent document. Therefore, the SEIR technique is secured as well as it is efficient. The experimental results show how SEIR is efficient as well as secure.
Copyright © 2013 Praise Worthy Prize - All rights reserved.


Authentication; Copyright Protection; Image Retrieval; Watermarking

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