New Heuristic for Reducing MPR in OLSR

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OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing Protocol) is a routing protocol designed especially for MANETs (Mobile Ad hoc Networks) and is currently the most widely deployed for this type of networks. OLSR uses multipoint relay (MPR: MultiPoint Relay) flooding mechanism to optimize topology control messages broadcasting throughout the network. Each node of the network selects a subset of nodes (MPR) among its neighbors to disseminate control messages. Reducing topology control messages is the key functionality of OLSR. Most studies consider that the reduction of topology control (TC) packets is to reduce the number of MPRs in each node. In this paper, we propose a heuristic that we implemented in NS2, to reduce, in each node, the number of MPRs compared to the classic version of OLSR. We were surprised that the reduction in MPR leads, in most cases, to an increase of TC packets. We can state that the quantitative criterion of MPR is not sufficient to predict a reduction of the load in the network.
Copyright © 2013 Praise Worthy Prize - All rights reserved.


Ad Hoc Network; MANET; OLSR; UM-OLSR; MPR; TC; NS-2

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