An Enhanced DOA (DSR Over AODV) Protocol for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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DOA (DSR over AODV) is a hierarchical routing protocol which is a combination of DSR and AODV. It is used to overcome the routing issues that occur in MANETs when the network size increases. Some of the issues in MANETs are: large time consumption for either setting up a new path or to retrieve the failed path in case of link failures and scalability problem which occurs due to the increased number of nodes in MANETs resulting in additional routing overhead to the protocol. For combating the above mentioned issues in MANETs, DOA was implemented using Way Point Routing model where due to high frequency fluctuations the problems of position estimation errors appear. This proposed work uses Exponential Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) algorithm to reduce the problem of position estimation error along with DTS to recover the delayed packets within a short period. It also uses Expectation Minimization (EM) algorithm to estimate the nearest neighbor selection using probability function to enhance the performance of DOA. The performance comparison of E-DOA over DSR and AODV has been analyzed in two different scenarios irrespective of the network size and speed of nodes. The simulation results proved that by using EWMA with EM algorithm in DOA, E-DOA performs better than DSR and AODV. In scenario 1, the control overhead is observed to be much reduced in EDOA compared to DSR and AODV by 45% and 25% respectively and in scenario 2, E-DOA shows nearly 66% improvement over DSR and 55% improvement over AODV by using lesser bandwidth to transmit more packets and for the other parameters also E-DOA comparably performed better than AODV and DSR
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AODV; DSR; EWMA; MANET; Scalability

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