Swarm Based Topology Control for Fault Tolerance in MANET

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To perform fault-tolerant topology control in mobile ad hoc networks (MANET), selection of an appropriate transmission power for each node and maintenance of network connectivity are daunting tasks. Most of the related works have considered either transmission power or network connectivity and not both simultaneously. In this paper, we propose a swarm based topology control algorithm for fault tolerance in MANET.
Initially, each node constructs its neighbor set by sending neighbor discovery message to its neighbors. The forward and backward ants are used to gather and update nodes minimum transmission power. Meanwhile, each node calculates its interference number and they are updated in neighbor set table. Before transmitting data to the destination, the source node finds multiple paths and calculates aggregate transmission power and interference value along each path. Finally, source chooses the optimal path that satisfies both minimum interference and minimum transmission power. By simulation, we prove that our work efficiently provide fault tolerant topology control in mobile ad hoc networks.

Copyright © 2013 Praise Worthy Prize - All rights reserved.


Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET); Topology Control; Fault Tolerance; Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)

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