Heuristic Search Attacks on Gradual Secret Release Protocol: a Cryptanalysis Approach on E-Learning Security

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Cryptanalysis on GSR fair exchange protocol to study and analyse the robustness of the protocol. In order to perform the cryptanalysis, heuristic attacks are to be over the protocol. The heuristic attacks can be termed as the attacks, which are artificially generated by various heuristic search algorithms. This work intend to use renowned heuristic search algorithms such as Genetic algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm (PSO) and a latest search algorithm such as cuckoo search (CS). GA and PSO have been applied for cryptanalysis of various protocols and encryption standards. CS is an emerging search algorithm and it proved the performance in solving optimization problems. Based on the aforesaid peculiarities, perform cryptanalysis based on such algorithms. Under various algorithm parameters, attacks will be made over the protocol and the performance will be studied. The protocol and the search algorithms will be implemented in MATLAB and the results will be analysed in depth to study the robustness of the protocol under such security issues.
Copyright © 2013 Praise Worthy Prize - All rights reserved.


Gradual Secret Release (GSR); Genetic Algorithm (GA); Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO); Cuckoo Search Algorithm (CSA); Encryption; Decryption; Public Key and Private Key

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