An Energy Efficient Deployment Scheme for Ocean Sensor Networks

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In order to achieve continuous surveillance on the sea environment, it is necessary for Ocean Sensor Networks (OSNs) to be deployed in the widely offshore sea. This paper considers the problem of finding positions to deploy sensors and the relays in a sparse manner so that the sensing and transmission energy consumption can be minimized. We formulated the deployment problem in OSNs as a joint optimization problem on sensor node placement and relay assignment for sparse wireless networks. The first is that of selecting the locations for the sensors to collect data from the points where they are sent to the relays. The second consists in designing the access relay network connecting the existing sensors. Simulation results indicate that the heuristic approach can find better solutions than other heuristic algorithms and greatly outperform the other algorithms in the percentage of successfully save the energy consumption of networks.
Copyright © 2013 Praise Worthy Prize - All rights reserved.


Ocean Sensor Networks; Deployment Algorithm; Tabu Search; Relay Communication

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