A New Approach to Component-Based Development of Software Architecture

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Information system architecture handles requirements of information and systems to support a business through describing structural and behavioral capabilities of the system. Software architecture is defined in terms of computational components and interactions among those components. In this context, component-based development is an approach considered the most promising way of developing information systems. Typically, UML 2 component diagrams are used as an architecture-level artifact for modeling business and technical software architectures. Nevertheless, UML notation in and of itself is insufficient for creating meaningful component models. This paper asserts that this difficulty in creating meaningful component models has originated from the use of UML diagrams; furthermore, the paper proposes an alternative flow-based diagramming methodology for software architecture development. The new concept presented in the paper is development of a hierarchy of components on the basis of this flow-based representation. The viability of this idea is demonstrated through a study case of an actual system.
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Software Architecture; Component-Based Software Development; Conceptual Modeling; UML

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