Fuel Characteristics and Gasification of Woody Biomasses in Down Draft Gasifiers

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Amongst different sources of renewable energy, biomass holds special promise due to the inherent capability to store solar energy and amenability to subsequent conversion into solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels. Biomass can be utilized for various purposes through different conversion processes. The potential offered by biomass to reduce greenhouse gas production is now being more widely recognized. Gasification concentrated on woody biomass with large energy production has been identified. In the present work, a 200kWe down draft gasifier is used to investigate the potential of selected woody biomasses such as Juliflora and Eucalyptus. The proximate analysis of the biomasses is done, and calorific value and composition of the product gas are obtained. Pressure drops are measured across the gasifier and the gas cleaning system because the output of the gas is directly utilized for power generation in the engine when it is important to have the low pressure drop in the system. As the quality of the system depends on the producer gas quality proper cleaning and cooling of gas are to be ensured. The gas flow at full rating is 700-750Nm3/h and gasifier pressure drop is in the range of 20-22mm of H2O. It is suggested that for rural and remote village electrification the small scale gasifiers can be a good alternative choice
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Biomass; Gasification; Characteristics; Downdraft Gasifier

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