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Analysis of a Photovoltaic-Fuel Cell Hybrid Energy System in Terms of Electromagnetic Pollution

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In the modern life, extensive use of electrical energy has some harmful effects on nature. Fossil based energy production systems as well as nuclear power plants cause a lot of damage risks for environment and human health. In addition, using of fossil fuels contributes to global warming and the other significant subject, electromagnetic pollution. Strong electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and the related electromagnetic radiation (EMR) are harmful to us. Long-term exposure may aggravate any existing health problems or diseases and may cause or intensify especially lack of energy or fatigue, irritability, aggression, hyperactivity, sleep disorders and emotional instability. In any energy system, the components which disperse high electromagnetic pollution should be determined to take some actions against their effects. In this study, an electromagnetic pollution analysis of a hybrid photovoltaic-fuel cell system installed at Pamukkale University in Denizli, Turkey is performed. Electromagnetic pollution intensities of the components of the installed hybrid energy system are measured under different loads. In addition, results of measurements are compared with worldwide standards
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