Modeling and Simulation of a PV/FC/UC Hybrid Energy System for Stand Alone Applications

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This paper describes dynamic modeling and simulation results of a small photovoltaic (PV)–fuel cell hybrid energy system. The dynamic behavior of the proposed hybrid system is tested under solar radiation and load demand conditions. The system consists of a PV, a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), ultra capacitors, an electrolyzer, and a power converter. The system is applicable for remote areas or isolated loads. The output of the PV is highly dependent on weather conditions, so the load is supplied from the PV with a fuel cell working in parallel. Excess PV energy when available is converted to hydrogen using an electrolyzer for later use in the fuel cell. FC power plant uses hydrogen and oxygen to convert chemical energy into electrical energy. Ultra-capacitor banks can be used for short-term energy storage due to their high cycling efficiency, convenience for   charging/discharging, and additionally to meet the instantaneous load ripples/spikes. Besides, overloading fuel cell systems may cause gas starvation thus decreasing its performance and lifetime. As another feature, the load tracking delays and mismatches of the FCs should be compensated by an auxiliary system such as a battery or ultra capacitor bank. Power converter unit are proposed to generate AC voltage. PID type controllers are used to control the fuel cell system. MATLAB SIMULINK and Simpower Systems environment is used for the Simulation of this hybrid energy system
Copyright © 2014 Praise Worthy Prize - All rights reserved.


Hybrid Energy Systems; Electrolyzer; Fuel Cell (FC); Photovoltaic (PV); Ultra Capacitor (UC)

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